Saturday 7 February 2015

The Lizard Man Of South Carolina Makes A Comeback

By Cornelius Nunev

A couple woke recently in rural Lee County, South Carolina to discover their car mauled and bent. Community fable speaks of a creature that terrorized a teen back in 1988. Can this be the return of the Lizard Man?. The pair might need a payday loan to get the automobile fixed up.

Getting up to it

Leon Marshall awoke on July 4 to discover his car mangled and mauled. "I ran into the house and told my wife to call the police because something happened to the car," said Marshall.

"The tooth marks went completely through the fender," his wife Ada reported. "That's metal! And it just bent it up. It was like it was a piece of tissue paper."

The pair said they had no idea what can have brought on the damage. There was a long gone story told. The community sheriff knew it well.

Retired sheriff tells monster tale

"This part here is how it all started in 1988," according to previous sheriff Liston Truesdale who is 82 now. "We got a call to come and look at something that had mauled a car. I went out there and looked at that damaged car, and I haven't seen anything like that before." Many blamed the damage on a creature. Locals thought the creature existed.

What happened with the young boy?

Truesdale said that there was more than just the mauled car. A 17-year-old boy reported a Lizard Man encounter about the same time. Evidently the teen was returning home from work when he had to repair a flat tire. While putting away his tools, he saw something approaching that had red eyes and three-fingered hands. The boy said the lizard man was seven feet tall. It looked like a lizard that was standing.

The boy then jumped into his car, as the story goes, and took off. The beast jumped onto his trunk and climbed onto the roof of the speeding car. It looked down at him through the windshield. The young went on to say that he managed to throw the thing off by swerving back and forth. The boy was so upset and scared when he got home. His parents had to calm him down for two hours.

No tale changes

As reported by Truesdale, the boy came from a responsible family and passed a polygraph test. He also seemed like he was really scared. "He never changed his story," Truesdale concluded.

There were several calls of a Lizard Man that flew. People had sightings to report. The story became media craze, with many 50,000 visitors descending on the area in hopes of spotting the reptilian creature.

Dj vu

The damage on Marshall's car was just the same as two that the Lizard Man allegedly mauled in 1988, according to Truesdale. But he still keeps a skeptical sense of humor about it.

"Everything (around here) is laid off on the poor Lizard Man," jokes Truesdale. "But at this point, he must have grandchildren!"

What is it?

Tom Biscardi is a cryptic investigator. He claims the Lizard man does not exist. Biscardi gave his opinion. "What you've got is a primate, a thing called a swamp ape," he said.

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