Thursday 1 June 2017

Reasons For Closure Of Rhino Lining Williston ND

By Eric Williams

The Rhino Lining firm based in North Dakota was a chain retailer that provided a variety of spray-on protective paints for trucks, trailers beds among others. It was however recently closed. Closure of a Rhino Lining Williston ND is due to a wide range of reasons as listed below.

High production cost. This is when the firm incurs very high costs. Due to competition from other firms, maybe bigger ones that enjoy economies of scale, they are unable to set a price that is lieu to the price that has been used to make the product. This in turn leads to major if not grave loses for the business. Continuous loses led to closure of the enterprise.

Inadequate raw materials in the area. This may be a big deal to that firm as inadequate raw materials is directly proportional to the rate at which products reach the market. A long time before this happens only means that the clients will look for different places in order to satisfy their wants.

Inadequate skilled human labour. To run a business effectively one needs a labour force that is professionally trained to perform the different duties delegated to them. When your human labour cannot handle the tasks that they are allocated, the firm ends up employing people who will do the job part time. This will cost more as they have to be paid. This is a financial loss to the entity.

High overhead costs as compared to ploughed back profits. When the cost of production is higher than what a firm is getting after the sale means that the entity is not profitable. More often than not the firms end up loaning money that they cannot be able to payback. This is a major drawback and may lead to the closure if the business.

A non-profitable enterprise. This is the most obvious and key indicator that the entity is not doing well. When a company does not incur profits or incurs mediocre kind of profits, it becomes a burden to those that own it. They may choose to have a pool of funds where all owners contribute something to increase the capital base or close down the organization.

Inadequate market and stiff competition are to deadly factors that go hand in hand. Inadequate market to start with, causes the entity to have too many old products whose value get depleted over time hence are sold at a throw away price that does not match up the cost of production. Stiff competition may call for desperate measures in an attempt to put other firms out of market. This is tragic as the money the company amasses is not anywhere in close range with the amount that was used to produce the goods.

Unfavourable government policies. When the government in place sets up many strict rules pertaining the line of business that you are in, you end up spending so much on legal papers instead of investing the money in the entity.

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