Tuesday 4 March 2014

Advantages Of Oxygen Sensor Recycling

By Leticia Jensen

Oxygen sensor recycling is one of the best methods used to bring down cost of maintaining a car and raising the engine efficiency. The air feeler salvage is located on the car exhaust system where it comes into contact with harmful gases such as hydrocarbons, heavy metals, carbon monoxide, and oxides of nitrogen. They pollute the feeler and compromise its efficiency to sense fuel and air in the exhaust. This is a comprehensive report on how to recycle your car air feelers.

Contamination of the car fuel, oil, and engine coolant has been the main cause of damage to air feelers in cars. The damage is worsened by accumulation of soot that lowers the ultimate efficiency to detect air in the exhaust. When these damages occur simultaneously, your car gas usage and engine efficiency gets compromised.

Because air feelers work is to facilitate the appropriate mixture in your exhaust system, its ineffectiveness causes the car engine to run lean or rich. Salvaging the air feeler will help to bring down the amount of fuel used by the car. It will also raise the operation efficiency of your engine while slowing down the process of depreciation.

Procuring new air feelers for a car can be very costly and make running the car unsustainable. After noticing problems with the air feeler, the best course of action is not considering to look for replacement, but seeking ways of salvaging it. It is however important for you to understand that the process of cleaning and salvaging the feeler is not easy and requires great care.

The air sensor operates inside the exhaust system where temperatures often get very high. When the process of heating and cooling occurs repeatedly in the presence of pollutants and impurities, the impact is formation of a hard layer on the feelers tip. This layer is the main cause of all the feelers inefficiency and consequently poor performance of a vehicle. The layer cannot be cleared using ordinary solvents but should be heated with a blow touch and immersed in water when still hot.

After cooling, the stubborn layer will have softened up and compressed air should be passed through it. The result is breaking down and falling off of all the hard carbon layer. It is advisable to repeat this process until the entire hard layer that occupied the surface and top of the air feeler is eliminated.

To remove the contaminants resulting from oil and fuel, it is advisable to adopt the QD and CRC electronic cleaning method. This process uses a very strong agent that clears the residue leaving the feeler spotless clean. The cleaning agent used in this process, just like the pollutants, is very harmful and you are encouraged to maintain a safe distance from the cleaner nozzle and air feeler.

The whole process of clearing dirt from the air feeler makes your body get exposed to dangerous chemicals and pollutants. Your hands should therefore be covered with gloves and the body in a complete overall. The eyes should also be covered using goggles and the nose masked to avoid inhalation of dangerous heavy metals such as lead and gases such as concentrated nitrogen oxides which are sure to be present.

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