Saturday 29 June 2013

How To Maximize Your Auto News Website's Performance Without Any Delay

By John Bui

You've done a great job in creating your car review and news website and have had fairly good traffic flow from using SEO and keywords. Yet, there are always additional things that you can do to keep your website a success and one step above your competitors. With these suggestions and tips, you'll generate a lot more traffic and reap the profits.

In order to attract the attention of visitors, you should use the thirty-second rule. Just log on to your internet site and give thirty seconds to read the content of your site. At last of the 30 seconds, are you able to understand about what the site is exactly? If it is not so, then try to improve your information.

Effective car review and news websites use CSS sprites for faster speed. If it is necessary to use many images on your website on different pages, it would be best to use sprites for caching the images. This would eliminate the need to download the images again and again. As there is reduction in HTTP requests, it would also help increase the speed of the page.

Generally, the logo should be put up on the top left corner of the car review and news website as people expect to see it there. Visitors like some standardization and they do not want to be confused by browsing a website which is confusing to navigate.

Contact forms are a vital part of communication with your customers and visitors. They, however, can be confusing. In your contact form make sure to highlight the active field. By doing this the user will always know where the text will appear when they start typing. A blinking cursor to mark where text will begin is ideal. However, that may not always be an option. The contact form is one that you want to make as friendly as possible.

If a new user comes to your site in search of information, and is greeted by the text version of the Great Wall of China, they're likely to take one look at it and run in the opposite direction. White space is your friend when displaying a large amount of information. It breaks up the text, making it seem less intimidating. Keep your paragraphs short and to the point, and try to keep it informal.

To make things easier for you and for your users, invest some time in putting together help pages, like FAQ's, Doc, etc. Have the help pages featured where it's easily noticeable for users who are looking for them. This will help you from answering the same questions over and over again and help users find the answer that they are looking for much more quickly.

A great way to boost traffic to your car review and news website is to insert a few lines of current events into your write-ups. You may have to stitch the news into your content in such a way that it does not look odd to the reader. But you have to be quick about it for best results or news becomes old and no one will be searching for it later on.

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